
Our extensive frame collection features over 1100 prescription frames and sunglasses. The selection is large enough that you won’t find yourself limited to finding only a single frame you like, but rather choosing from multiple styles. Tired of wearing branded off the shelf eyewear and want to experience Boutique Eyewear sold at independent European optical shops? We are a showcase for the distinctive handmade eyewear from Lool: Barcelona/ Etnia Barcelona: Spain/ Reykjavik Eyes: Denmark/ Orgreen: Copenhagen/ Fendi, Givenchy, Furla, John Varvatos,Tumi Illa: Italy

  • Fendi

  • Givenchy

  • Furla

  • John Varvatos

  • Lool

  • Tumi

  • Illa

  • Orgreen

  • Reykjavik Eyes- Black Label

  • Etnia Barcelona

  • American Optical